[General] 10+ How to make toilets and bathrooms out of bad smell effectively, easy to implement

Why do toilets and bathrooms always have an unpleasant odor? How to fix this problem? If you are having the same anxiety, then let TipsMake.com find out the causes and how to deodorize the toilet and bathroom effectively.

Why do toilets and bathrooms always have an unpleasant odor?How to fix this problem?If you are having the same anxiety, then let TipsMake.com find out the causes and how to deodorize the toilet and bathroom effectively.

Cause and harm when the toilet smells

Toilets and bathrooms, though small in area, are 'ancillary works' but they are indispensable in the family.When the toilet has a bad smell, it will cause psychological discomfort to you and greatly affect the daily life of family members.

The toilet is foul because of the smell of hydrogen sulfide (chemical formula H2S).This gas is the product of the decomposition of organic matter in sanitary systems or sewage.Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) does not accumulate in the body, it can only affect health when the gas concentration is too much, exceeding the body's ability to eliminate.

[General] 10+ How to make toilets and bathrooms out of bad smell effectively, easy to implement Picture 1[General] 10+ How to make toilets and bathrooms out of bad smell effectively, easy to implement Picture 1

Fortunately, our bodies have a natural defense mechanism that can quickly eliminate odors in the air under normal conditions.Although it does not affect health, the odor of the toilet affects the psychology of people, easily causes frustration, stress because this is considered as one of the 3 most unpleasant odors in the world.For families with a closed house architecture, this is a great obsession when the unpleasant odor of toilets and bathrooms spread to other rooms.

In particular, in families with young children, although the body can eliminate the effects of odors, the child's body is weaker, which is also the cause for children to fuss, picky eaters.

To have a way to completely eliminate odors in the toilet, the bathroom, we need to find the cause, the source of those odors.After summing up a lot of cases, we can conclude that some of the following causes odor in the toilet.

  1. Toilets and bathrooms are not cleaned for a long time:Like other places in the family, toilets also need to be cleaned regularly.Moreover, this is also a humid place, less sunshine, so cleaning the toilet will somewhat limit the growth of mold and bacteria.In addition, the fragrance of detergent will somewhat limit the odor molecules spread to other spaces in the house.Cleaning toilets includes scrubbing of sanitary equipment and floors and toilets and bathrooms.There are many people who thoroughly clean the area but do not clean the ceiling of the toilet while this is the location often attacked by mold and bacteria.If mold appears on the ceiling, other places that are clean to the point still smell bad inside the toilet.

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  1. Because the septic tank is full: Normally, the waste in a septic tankcannot decompose by itself, but it requires probiotics to break down solid waste into liquid and gas to escape.However, the toilet has been used for a long time but is not added with probiotics to decompose organic waste, long-term bacteria in the toilet will 'die' but the amount of waste will increase. to cause clogged sewers.Thus, the waste cannot escape and the odor will rise back on the surface causing stink in the toilet.
  2. Due to a clogged outlet:Improperly installed septic tank exhaust can also cause a bad odor in the toilet, or a properly installed exhaust pipe but a bad toilet can occur. septic tank explosion.In another case, the floor drain became dry, causing gas from the exhaust pipe to escape.Anyway, do not worry too much because these are cases that happen in a 'rare' way.
  3. Due to clogged floor drains: Floordrains carry the task of discharging sewage into the house's main drain.Although most of the drainage holes are fitted with screens to keep garbage, hair, etc., it is still difficult to hold 100%, so toilet toilets are often clogged.Signs identify when the floor drain is clogged is slow drainage, the bathroom has a foul odor.

So how to get rid of the smell of toilets.Here we have summarized for you a number of simple way to deodorize toilets without spending a lot of money, take a look and apply it!

10+ ways to deodorize toilets and bathrooms effectively

Deodorize the toilet with coffee grounds

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Place dried coffee grounds in a cloth bag, tie it tightly so it doesn't fall out, then hang the coffee bag in the toilet.The aroma of coffee will effectively eliminate bad odors and mold smells in the toilet.At the same time, the coffee grounds are also highly hygroscopic, able to resist mold moisture for toilets very well.

Deodorize the toilet with pineapple

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Have you ever thought about how to deodorize the toilet with pineapple (pineapple)?With just a pineapple and a small candle, you can dispel the smell of moldy, smelly in the toilet, bathroom and replace with the gentle fragrance of fresh fruit.The method is very simple: After cleaning the toilet, you just need to cut off the stem and scraping the intestine of the pineapple and then make a big hole in the peel.You put the pineapple upright and then light the candle, put inside the body and put the candle and pineapple in the toilet for a few hours.When burning candles will help essences in the aroma evaporate into tiny particles, spread into the space, eliminate odors and give the space a natural, gentle fragrance.

Deodorize the toilet with lemongrass

Citronella is a very effective deodorizing plant, including toilet deodorant.Lemongrass still has citronella essential oil with a gentle aroma, not only deodorizing good mold but also helping to repel mosquitoes and insects flying to reside in the toilet.

[General] 10+ How to make toilets and bathrooms out of bad smell effectively, easy to implement Picture 5[General] 10+ How to make toilets and bathrooms out of bad smell effectively, easy to implement Picture 5

How to deodorize the toilet with lemongrass as follows:

  1. Prepare 2 to 3 lemongrass trees, then use a knife to beat the essential oil secreted inside.
  2. Hang lemongrass in the toilet or prepare a vase for you to place in the corner of the toilet.
  3. The essential oils in lemongrass will slowly release and deodorize extremely effectively after only one night.This method is effective for nearly 1 week, then you should replace new citronella offline.

Eliminate toilet odor with essential oil diffuser

Since ancient times, people have known how to use and use essential oils in medicinal medicine and improve their health.Today, essential oils are not only used more widely in life to break the room, deodorize . The combination of some pure essential oils together with other aromas, with the main scent is cinnamon and lemongrass. Lemon is a great choice to bring out the fragrance, eliminating the smell in the toilet.

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You should choose to use essential oils with hot, gentle aroma such as citronella, cinnamon, lemon, mint . When using should combine witha steaming lamp, essential oil diffuserto bring the effect. the best.The device will help micro essential oil particles are spread evenly throughout the room, giving a pleasant feeling as well as spreading the scent to every corner, eliminating all molds and bacteria in the room. birth, bathroom.

Deodorize toilet with scented wax

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Deodorizing toilet with scented wax, aromatic camphor is a way to deodorize toilet is the most common way before.Camphor waxes are often used because they provide a gentle, overwhelming scent neutralizing odors in the toilet.Moreover, they are very easy to use, you just need to buy and bring to hang on the wall, or to the corner of the toilet is the scent will slowly spread around.However, the disadvantage of this method is that it is easy to be damaged, melted when exposed to moisture or high temperature.

How to make the toilet fragrant with orange and tangerine peels

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In the peel of citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, lemons . contain many kinds of essences capable of deodorizing and killing bacteria.Therefore, people often use the shells of these fruits to scent the toilet, kill mold bacteria in the air.Instead of throwing it in the trash, take advantage of the orange, lemon, tangerine peels that you use daily to eliminate bad smells for toilets and bathrooms because this way is both economical and effective.The way to do it is very simple, you just need to dry the shell and cook with water to get aromatic water, then put in a glass, to a corner of the toilet.The tiny crystals carrying the scent of oranges, lemons . will gradually spread in the restroom space, making the smell of smell and mold less noticeable.

How to handle bad bathroom with vinegar and kitchen salt

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This is probably the least expensive method you can apply.With vinegar, you only need to put in a small glass and put in a corner of the toilet, the aroma of vinegar will quickly drown out the unpleasant odor inside the toilet.With salt, simply dissolve it with a little water and pour it around the drain.Do this every day, after about a week, you will quickly notice that the odor from the drain is gone.

How to deodorize the toilet with pineapple leaves

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Pineapple leaves are often used to make cakes, cook sticky rice and natural color for some dishes.However, few people know that besides these familiar uses, pineapple leaves are also used to deodorize the toilet.Similar to some of the above measures, you also tie pineapple leaves in bundles and hang them in your bathroom and toilet.This will help toilt your family to be both green and pleasant scent

Eliminate bathroom odor with room spray

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Using room sprays is also a way to deodorize toilets, bathroom deodorizers are commonly used today.With this product, you only need to spray on the toilet can repel the smell.There are many types of perfumes, room sprays with different scents to choose from when you need to deodorize the toilet.However, for people with sensitive respiratory systems, chemical allergies should be careful when using this method.

Eliminate bathroom odors with baking soda

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Baking soda is well known for its ability to absorb moldy odors and effectively clean 'stubborn' stains.You only need to mix 1 of these 2 ingredients with warm water and pour it down the drain, toilet bowl or any other area with stains.Then, wash the toilet with clean water again.This solution usually does not have a noticeable toilet deodorizing effect from the first implementation.However, if you consistently apply it regularly every week, you will immediately see the difference in this room.

How to deodorize toilets using chemicals and chemicals

If the toilets, bathrooms have a bad smell, musty smell due to clogged pipes, clogged toilets, it is best to buy powders, drain solutions, septic tanks dedicated.These chemicals help soften and decompose organic waste such as moss, dead animals, leftovers, nylon . in water pipes, helping the pipeline system to return to normal operation.

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However, when using this chemical you must be extremely careful, follow the instructions of the manufacturer to avoid endangering yourself.Many people, for improper use, suffer severe chemical burns.To ensure the safest, you can call the service toilets, pipes . professional.Although the cost is more expensive, it ensures safety for you and the whole family.

The ways to deodorize the toilet that we have introduced in the article hope to help you overcome the problem of moldy and unpleasant smell early.Visit TipsMake.com regularly to find out more great home care tips.

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